Don’t Let Disinformation Destroy Your Brand: Tips for Companies to Identify and Combat the Threat of ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

In today’s digital age, the use of social media has grown exponentially, making it easier for companies to engage with their audience and build their brand. However social media has also created a new avenue for adversaries to spread disinformation and harm the reputation of companies and other organizations. With the advent of tools like ChatGPT, it has become cheaper, faster, and easier for adversaries to create and disseminate disinformation on social media. This of course poses a significant threat to companies and their reputation. In this article, we will explore the risks of AI generated disinformation for companies and provide tips for identifying and combating it.

The Risks of Disinformation for Companies

Disinformation can come in various forms, such as fake news, rumors, and propaganda. It can harm the reputation of companies, and the consequences can be severe. In recent times, we have witnessed several examples of disinformation campaigns that have damaged the reputation of companies. For instance, in 2020, a disinformation campaign was run on social media platforms, accusing a popular beverage company of promoting racial discrimination. The campaign spread like wildfire, and it took the company several days to counter the allegations and restore its reputation. The incident resulted in significant financial losses and a dent in the company’s brand image.

The picture shows a young man sitting at a laptop in a dark room spreading disinformation using ChatGPT. The image is in black and white with a really high contrast.

AI Tools Fueling Disinformation Threat for Companies

Now, the use of AI tools has made it easier for adversaries to create and disseminate disinformation on social media platforms – with greater speed, efficiency, and effectiveness. Companies are more vulnerable to these attacks as the use of AI tools allows adversaries to generate realistic and convincing fake content at scale. This increases the risk of becoming a target of a disinformation campaign, as adversaries can create and spread false narratives, manipulate public opinion, and damage a company’s reputation within a short amount of time. The effects and reputational damage caused by such disinformation campaigns can be severe, resulting in a loss of customer trust, reduced sales, and long-term brand damage. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to have a strategy in place to identify and combat disinformation campaigns that use ChatGPT and other AI tools.

How to Identify and Combat Disinformation?

Companies need to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and combatting false information. The following are some useful tips and tricks that companies can use to identify disinformation and combat it effectively.

1. Monitor Social Media

To identify a running disinformation campaign or rumors being spread about your company at an early stage, it is essential to keep a close watch on social media platforms. In this respect monitoring tools like Plotlights offer great benefits for this as they are also monitoring the dark web.

2. Found Something? Verify Information!

Always verify information before responding or taking any action. It is key to find out what is false and what is accurate before reacting to disinformation, as reacting can quickly backfire with such sensitive topics. 

3. Respond Quickly

f disinformation is being circulated about your company, you need to move quickly. A swift response stating the actual facts can limit the damage caused and reduce the spread of disinformation.

4. Crisis Communication Plan

Having a well-planned crisis communication strategy is critical for companies to handle disinformation campaigns. he strategy should include procedures and protocols for responding to disinformation campaigns, identifying key stakeholders, and managing media inquiries. One of the key aspects of the crisis communication plan should be to identify and prioritize the potential risks and scenarios that could impact the company’s reputation. This will help you to develop a clear and concise message that can be shared across all communication channels.

5. Use ChatGPT for Crisis Communication? 

AI tools like ChatGPT can actually be used effectively in crisis communication itself. The tools can help you draft messages for different stakeholders and by this respond to queries and concerns quickly. However, it is essential to ensure that the responses are verified and accurate before posting.

Training for Disinformation Scenarios

Train your employees to identify and respond to disinformation campaigns effectively, particularly those fueled by ChatGPT or other AI tools. Such training can be critical for preventing, mitigating, and managing the impact of disinformation campaigns on a company’s reputation. Such a training can include:

1. Understanding the Threat

Employees need to understand the threat that the spread of false information pose to the company and its reputation. They should be able to identify different types of disinformation campaigns and recognize the signs of a campaign fueled by ChatGPT and other AI tools.

2. Best Practices

Training should include best practices for responding to disinformation campaigns. This can include identifying key stakeholders, developing clear and concise messaging, and responding quickly to false information.

Crisis Communication

Employees should be trained on the basics of crisis communication. This includes, for example, how to manage media inquiries, how to communicate effectively across different channels, and also how to work effectively as part of a team.

Monitoring and Response

Training should include procedures for monitoring social media and other channels for disinformation campaigns. Moreover the training should also focus on responding quickly and effectively when a campaign is identified.

Simulation exercises

Simulation training is an effective way for employees to gain hands-on experience in responding to disinformation campaigns. Ideally these training sessions will be designed to simulate a range of different scenarios that employees might face. This will then provide them with the opportunity to practice their crisis communication skills in a safe and controlled environment.

By partnering with firms like PREVENCY®, companies can gain access to the expertise and resources they need to provide effective simulation training to their employees. This can help your company protect your reputation and mitigate the impact of disinformation campaigns on your business.


The threat of disinformation campaigns fueled by AI tools is a growing concern for companies in the digital age. The risks of reputational damage and financial losses resulting from such campaigns are significant. This makes it critical for companies to have a strategy in place to identify and combat disinformation effectively. The tips and tricks provided in this article can help your company to protect your reputation. By taking a proactive and vigilant approach, companies can effectively combat disinformation and maintain customer trust and loyalty, ultimately ensuring the long-term success of their brand.

[Disclaimer: This article was initially written by ChatGPT and edited by our team. Another great example of what the tool is capable of.]