
Simulation Partner of German LÜKEX

Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
Civil Protection
Crisis Simulation

Media simulation at the German nationwide LÜKEX 2022

Soon the next nationwide strategic crisis exercise LÜKEX of the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) will take place – and we will be part of it with our simulation software tool. During the exercise, our software will simulate the media and information environment to enable the exercisers to train their cross-state and cross-departmental communication.

Objectives and requirements:

  • Realistic simulation of digital channels and corresponding content (text, image, video)

  • Use of the software by a large number of users

  • Possibility to set a tactical time

  • Compliance with IT security standards

A realistic environment for practicing coordinated communication strategies

The Federal States and Interdepartmental Crisis Management Exercise, or LÜKEX for short, is conducted by the BBK at regular intervals. As part of the exercises, nationwide crisis management is subjected to a stress test, optimization levers are identified and the cooperation of different institutions is trained. In order to train the handling of digital information and communication channels as realistically as possible during the upcoming LÜKEX, the BBK was looking for an innovative media simulation software and found it with us.

We are happy to be a technical partner at LÜKEX. In this context, we provide our simulation software with which the digital space will be mapped during the exercise. In order for the simulation to be optimally tailored to the LÜKEX use case, the BBK had specific requirements for the tool. These included, for example, the setting of a tactical time, the use of the software by a very large number of exercisers, and the fulfillment of certain IT security standards.

Want to prepare for the next crisis in the best possible way?

  • Create more competence and resilience in your crisis team with a crisis simulation

  • Train individual scenarios

  • Give your team security and self-confidence

  • Test processes, structures and responsibilities

A custom-fit solution for the BBK

In order to meet all the requirements for the LÜKEX, we extended and individualized our software with some features in joint work with the BBK. This included both an optimization and new look of the platform for the exercisers as well as additional features for a quick and easy exercise control. With the custom-fit solutions according to the wishes and ideas of the BBK, digital crisis and disaster communication in particular can now be trained as part of LÜKEX.

Our outlook on conducting the LÜKEX

The implementation of LÜKEX is still pending and will also be an exciting test for our software for our team. In the exercise scenario, which involves a fictional “cyberattack on government action,” a large number of participants will simultaneously use our tool, interact with each other in the software, and react to interludes such as online articles or publications on websites. We are very much looking forward to conducting the exercise and are excited to see our software in action in this setting.