Telephone Simulation

Citizen Phone Crisis Training

InfraServ Wiesbaden
Industrial Park
Telephone Training

For more crisis competence on the citizens’ hotline

In October 2021, the PREVENCY® team conducted a citizen telephone training with InfraServ Wiesbaden. The goal was to prepare the InfraServ team for potential crisis situations and difficult situations on the phone. For this purpose, the team had to face diverse live calls and master various inquiries and concerns in the best possible way. The result: greater awareness, self-confidence and security on the public telephone.

Objectives and requirements:

  • Increase crisis competence on the citizen telephone

  • Provide self-confidence in the event of an emergency

  • Learn strategies for dealing with difficult situations on the phone

  • Test processes and infrastructures such as the use of core messages

  • Conduct as a remote event

Train how to deal with challenging calls on the citizen’s phone

After we had already carried out a successful social media crisis simulation with InfraServ Wiesbaden, the company approached us with the request for a citizen telephone training. Since the citizens’ hotline team had been newly formed within the company and many of the people involved had not yet experienced challenging phone service, the goal of the training was to convey initial experience in dealing with critical situations as well as confidence and practical skills for emergencies.

Citizen phone training remote thanks to creative ideas

A special requirement for the training was its realization as a remote event. However, thanks to the flexibility and inventiveness of everyone involved on both sides, the exercise could be successfully implemented remotely. To this end, we jointly developed a specific training concept that also made the citizen telephone training possible via MS Teams.

Make your citizen telephone team fit for the crisis.

  • Increase crisis competence at the Citizens’ Helpline

  • Simulate different stakeholders in live calls

  • Give your team self-confidence on the phone

  • Test processes, structures and responsibilities

The Challenge: Mastering Calls in a Crisis in the Best Possible Way

In order to give the participants of the training an introduction to the topic, theoretical basics of crisis communication as well as action strategies for the telephone service in the event of an incident were first conveyed within the framework of an impulse lecture. Then it was time for the live simulation: the InfraServ team was confronted with several fictitious crisis cases and had to deal with the diverse requests and needs of the callers in small groups. During the calls, our team took on the roles of concerned residents of the industrial park, emotionally upset relatives and even children. Working in small groups, each trainee was able to take multiple calls and receive individual feedback from our trainers afterwards. After each round of calls, all participants came back together in the large group to share their experiences and common learnings.

Self-confidence for the potential emergency

At the end of the training, the trainees also had the opportunity to provide feedback: Overall, all participants were very satisfied with the citizen telephone exercise and were able to take away helpful learnings, tangible practical skills and relevant experience. The InfraServ team particularly emphasized the sensitization and self-assurance gained as well as the self-confidence on the phone, especially when children call, in order to master critical situations in the future. In addition, the participants were able to derive some optimization approaches regarding internal communication and alerting processes for their project team from the citizen telephone training. This will enable them to respond even faster and more competently to calls from the public in the future.

“We are very satisfied with the realization of the training. Of course, we were also curious to see how it all works “online”. Especially since it was also a premiere for PREVENCY as well. Our demands were fully met, because the participants gained in security. Afterwards, we had a great feedback meeting with PREVENCY and discussed the training again and worked out one or two points for optimization.”

Jessica Webel – Corporate Communications at InfraServ Wiesbaden