
Immersive Crisis Simulation

Deutsche Telekom
Crisis Simulation

Immersive experiences for the social media team

In the fall of 2021, we supported the Deutsche Telekom in the preparation, execution and evaluation of a crisis exercise. We used our software to simulate the social web in order to integrate the social media team into the exercise in the best possible way – and with complete success: At the end, the crisis team was able to take away important learnings and optimization approaches.

Objectives and requirements:

  • Simulation of social media in the context of a crisis in a protected environment

  • Best possible integration of the social media team into the crisis exercise

  • Creation of a storyboard and respective content based on a predefined scenario

  • Optimization of crisis procedures, processes and team collaboration

  • Simulation software hosted on German servers

An addition to a classic crisis exercise

The Deutsche Telekom had already planned a crisis exercise for its team for 2021 and was looking for software to simulate the social web during the exercise. In addition to press or customer requests, the heated situation in social media during a crisis was also to be realistically simulated. This was no problem with our simulation software: For the exercise, we simulated not only common social media, but also websites and online news.

Support in scenario development and content creation

As part of the preparation, we worked closely with the Deutsche Telekom. The scenario that had already been planned was enhanced and specially adapted for the simulation in social media. In the next step, together with the Telekom team, we designed and created various inserts such as postings, blog or newspaper articles, and also an AI-generated video. The result of the preparation was a comprehensive simulation script with sophisticated storylines and content.

Master crises virtually before they become reality.

  • Create experience in dealing with crises

  • Increase crisis competence in the team

  • Test structures, processes and responsibilities

  • Get optimization ideas for your crisis management

Community Management, Issue-Monitoring and Social Media Crisis Management

Although the crisis simulation was planned with the option of remote execution, it was ultimately able to take place on site at the Telekom headquarters. While one part of our team fanned the flames of the social media crisis in our virtual environment, the other part observed how the crisis team dealt with the various challenges on site: from inquiries from customers or the press, to angry citizens, to memes and hate speech, everything was present and challenged the Deutsche Telekom’s social media team.

Evaluation and immediate optimization initiatives

During the training, there were also repeated short breaks and feedback sessions in which the crisis team received immediate input and suggestions for improvement. The participants were able to implement these immediately and thus achieve a small sense of achievement during the crisis simulation. After the crisis exercise was completed, the Deutsche Telekom team also received a detailed written evaluation with potential optimization approaches.

Overall, the collaboration with the Deutsche Telekom and its team was a great success, characterized by a constructive and fruitful exchange of ideas that we enjoyed very much.

“We are very happy to have a highly professional service provider on our team with PREVENCY. The cooperation is characterized by a high understanding of service as well as excellent expertise. Also our requirements for the simulation software were absolutely fulfilled. We thank PREVENCY for great teamwork and excellent results.”

Anastassiya Popenya – Project Manager Crisis Communications in the Corporate Communications Department